Hi! This is a complete overview of IN1150 (thanks to Mohammad Fadel Al Khafaji who finished the five remaining chapters). These notes are meant as a supplement to the course, not a substitution for it, because they will only make all the sense after you've watched the lecture on a given book chapter.

A page for every chapter has links to the nettkurs and a fully scanned textbook (but let's keep this little secret here and not spread it further). Hope this helps!

And don't forget - ROGER IS BAE.

(La)TeX tips

Forelesning 1: Intro

Kapittel 0: Viktige begrep

Kapittel 1: Mengder

Kapittel 2: Utsagnslogikk

Kapittel 3: Semantikk for utsagnslogikk

Kapittel 4: Utsagnslogiske begreper

Kapittel 5: Bevis, formodninger og moteksempler

Kapittel 6: Relasjoner

Kapittel 7: Funksjoner

Kapittel 8: Mer mengdelære

Kapittel 9: Tillukninger og induktivt definerte mengder